The Look Back
![The look Back](
“Should we be looking back? Yes we are to look back at the good experiences of our life to gain strength and hope. We are to look back when we have lost our way; to find out where we have gone wrong so we can get back on the right road again However, we are […]
The Hebrew Alaph-Bet
Hebrew Alephbet Intro In this short teaching, you will learn about the twenty-two Hebrew letters. You will have a basic understanding of each of the letter names, sounds and their meanings. Also, you will be shown some example words using the letters and ways to easily remember the Hebrew letters. It’s not just fun for children […]
Acts 15 – The Jerusalem Council
This is the 4th part in a series of four closing out the studies in Galatians, Ephesians and Colossians. All four of these New Testament witnesses are used by many pastors, leaders and lay people to declare the Feasts & Festivals ended when Yahusha died at Calvary. As has already been clearly noted, this was […]
Are you Confused about Colossians 2?
Are you confused about this very controversial teaching in Colossians 2 that many preachers, teachers, and denominations speak so strongly against – especially to nail the feasts and festivals to the cross? Did you know this Scripture is also used to nail the weekly Sabbath to the cross? How could Paul ever write such instructions […]
Galatians 4 and the Beggarly Elements
![Galatians 4 and the Beggarly Elements](
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on Galatians 4 and the Beggarly Elements Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon
![Strong Delusion](
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on Strong Delusions Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon
Warum Yahuwah’s Buendniskalendar
![Warum Yahuwah's Buendniskalendar](
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on Warum Yahuwah’s Bundeskalendar Why Yahuwah’s Covenant Calendar Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon
A time to be SIlent
![Feast Yom Kippur](
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on A Time to be Silent. Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon
Obedience – Shema
![Obedience - Shema](
Obedience – Shema Listen and Obey This lesson was put together by a beloved brother and his friends Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon
Why I Keep The Feast Days
![Feast Yom Kippur](
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on Why I decided to keep the Feast Days Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon
Lessons from Jericho Now and Then
Teaching from Daud a CCC panel member Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon
Gospel of Shalom
The Gospel of Shalom by Renalee Colon Covenant Calendar Club Meets Renalee – Gospel of Shalom. Listen to this amazing testimony as Renalee shares her story of how the Gospel of shalom brought healing and peace into her life and those around her. All praise and glory to our King of Shalom Download […]
Searching for the truth
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on Searching for the truthWalter brought to our attention a very interesting study of what it means to be in Search of “THE” Truth … where we saw many quotes from a great variety of christian churches (etc.) that each one of them believe and teach that salvation is possible […]
Unwrapping Christmas
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on Unwrapping Christmas Should we celebrate Christmas?What are the origins of this tradition? Did they celebrate Christmas in the bible?Who is the 25th of December really celebrating? Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and …
The Unpardonable Sin
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on The Unpardonable Sin Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and …
Spirit of Compromise
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on The Spirit of Compromise Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and …
I MUST be about My Fathers Business
Tim Presents a compelling study to the Perth Assembly in Australia with some CCC Members. Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and …
Peace Makers or Trouble Makers
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on Peace Makers or Trouble Makers Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and …
Last Great Day
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on Last Great Day [45 slides] Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and …
A Set Apart People Called His Bribe
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on A Set Apart People Called His Bribe Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and …
Day of Atonement – Walter
Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on The Day of Atonement. Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and …
Are Torah observers called Christians
Walter Tschoepe will be our guest speaker beginning with the questions of: What am I, What should I call myself now that I observe Torah? Walter says: “Some people have asked me “Are you a Christian or are you Jewish? In order to give the correct answer, I must first know “what is a Christian and what is a Jew? What do they both believe?” Once I fully understand […]
Praise in Victory & the Richness of Yahusha!
Praise in Victory & the Richness of Yahusha! The Leonard Family will finalize the August topic with Praise in Advance for Yahuah’s deliverance as we develop a rich relationship with Him. Here are some things to think about for this week: Finally, after all the fear-mongering, shaking, sifting and pruning, there is a promised VICTORY with a […]
Yahs Plan for Our Restoration
April, Maxi and Sharon have been busy on their presentation to answer these questions when we seek deliverance during challenging times: What does it mean to send up praise FIRST instead of talking negatively about what the enemy is up too? Should we today be praying against the evil of this world, or praying to be protected […]
From chaos to blessing under the pruning shears of Yahuah?”
From chaos to blessing under the pruning shears of Yahuah?” Can these pruning shears be likened to the Saviour’s crown of thorns, a sacred medicine? Quoting from the Day by Day book by Dolores Coupland: “Those blood-sprinkled thorns are plants of renown, precious in heavenly surgery. Take but a thorn from that crown and use […]
10 Trips of Mosheh up Mount Sinai
Our Covenant Calendar teacher, Charlene, will lead us through the full details of Moses 10 trips up the mountain, which includes the blood-ratification of Yahuah’s covenant with Israel. Here all the people were of one accord, like-minded and in agreement (echad) with the MelchiTzedek Book of the Covenant, that Yahusha walked out and confirmed with […]
Has F-E-A-R brought us to a hopeless state?
Has F-E-A-R brought us to a hopeless state? (Presentation & Discussion to be led out by Eric B) F-E-A-R (False Evidence Appearing Real), where we will be discovering several issues together. We will discuss the role of King Dawid in the Psalms – as he faced many fears as being the “hunted of King Saul.” […]
A Discussion on the topic of Fear-Mongering as found among the world, in the churches in ministries and among Yahs People. Discussion lead by Jesse