2.6 Historic Day Start Quotes [85]
Question you should be able to answer after doing this study
- What is the “Jewish Talmud” and who wrote them? Should the Talmud be used to find Yah’s “TRUTH”?
- What is the Halakah and who wrote it?
- Is the Kabbalistic interpretation something we should look to for the Truth?
- Give the definition of “plethora.”
- Give the definition of “Homiletical Subterfuge.”
- What is Jewish Mishnah?
- Under what influence did Judah come to follow Sunset theory?
- A change was made in history from Yahuah’s day commencement at “dawn” to “evening after sunset.” Approximately, what year did that great change occur? And who influenced this?
- In what Scripture did the priest turn their back to the temple and give honor to Tammuz sun worship?
- How many cultures recognized the day begins at sunrise”?
- What is a “JEW” and what is a “Hebrew/Israel”?