Full Teaching 5.12 PART 4
The introduction video for this teaching already gave a brief overview of what the outcome would look like when the Balancing Cycles are added at the end of month 6, rather than following the 360th day of the festival count. In this teaching, much more information will be given as to many details that have to be taken into consideration when comparing yet a 3rd layer to this puzzle. That 3rd layer is going to show how the covenant calendar feast days for Tabernacles/Sukkot lay out in the 7th month – and how does this coincide with the Jews’ lunar feast of Tabernacles? Is there even a remote chance that this new concept could be true according to the documentation that John has written. Remember that John is very exact about his details, and he is the ONLY gospel writer that records this event. This is a very detailed study that is a preparation for what will be shown in Part 5.
We hope each viewer will see and understand that John 7 is
very likely the most important chapter in the Gospels when it comes to the controversial calendar study. Just – “Come and See.” Shalom
Teaser 5.12 PART 4
Multitudes of people around the world are appreciating the fact that they have finally found Yahuah’s true festal “covenant” calendar. They know the Covenant Worship Calendar has a count of only 360 days each year. They understand how Covenant Calendar (as found in the Covenant Torah pages between Gen 1:1 to Exo 24:11) aligns perfectly with Yahusha’s ministry in the gospels. Yet there is one important question that has been most persistent in the last year, and it keeps coming up. That question is: “Why do we have 365+ days each year and what does Covenant Calendar do with those extra days beyond Yahuah’s allotted count of 360?” The second part of the question is asking why the extra balancing days are not added at the end of month six. Why? Because some are feeling the tequfah/equinox shadow sign should be aligning with the 1st day of the 7th month – the Feast of Trumpets! Is that what the Torah commands? Is that what can be documented in the gospel ministry of Yahusha? This introduction will show exactly what happens, but the full study for Part 4 will give all of the details and more, in preparation for the final teaching in Part 5. So, if you want to know all you have to do is “Come and See.” Shalom!
5.11 John 7 – Yahusha & the Jews Feast of Tabernacles (Part 3)
Full Teaching 5.11 PART 3
In Part 3 we are going to take a very serious look at the lunar calendar of the unbelieving Jews and where the fall feasts occur alongside the covenant calendar and the fall feasts. A side by side comparison is going to show exactly what day of the week it was when Yahusha arrives at the temple (from Galilee) “about the midst of the week.” He did not go there to worship, and He was NOT late! Yahusha had told his brethren (not the disciples), that His Time had not come.
Full Teaching 5.11 PART 3
What “time” was that? Was Yahusha talking about “His Time of Sukkot/Tabernacles”? Well it seemed the brethren thought so. This study is going to pinpoint so much detailed information of what is happening between these two calendars, and answer the question of “when Yahusha’s TIME will be.” This study will also answer the question if it was allowable to Yahusha to show up in the middle of the lunar feast. So if you want to know the details of this exciting study, you’ll have to “Come and See” and also find out if Yahusha’s strongest witness was with His words, or with His footsteps. Shalom!
5.10 John 7 – Yahusha & the Jews Feast of Tabernacles (Part 2)
Full Teaching 5.10 PART 2
Parts 2 and 3 of John 7 go together. The Part 2 portion of the study lays the foundation for what is to be found in part 3, so don’t skip this study. While the Torah reads that all males are required to attend the festivals at Jerusalem, does it not seem unusual that Yahuaha arrives late – “about the midst of the week?” Is He exempt from these Torah commands? In this study we will examine:
1) the distance that need to be travelled from Galilee to Jerusalem;
Teaser 5.10 PART 2
2) what some of the customs were to attending the feasts;
3) was John 7 in the setting of a Sabbatical or Jubilee year;
4) why the conversation with the woman at the well in John 4 is so important;
5) what Yahusha’s purpose was from age 12 as He moved towards His ministry; 6)did Yahusha go to the synagogues and temple “to worship”? And, 7) When Yahusha arrived at the middle of the feast, was He really “right on time”? “Come and See” Part 2, so you are ready for Part 3. Shalom!
5.9 John 7 – Yahusha & the Jews Feast of Tabernacles (Part 3)
Full Teaching 5.9 PART 1
John is the favorite Gospel for many people for various reasons. Why is this? At Covenant Calendar Club, we know why John is a favorite Gospel for just about every calendar teaching. This is because John records details of many events that the synoptic Gospels are completely silent on. Even in the Covenant Calendar studies, John is very detailed so that his studious readers can tell exactly Who the true Messiah is, and exactly what set-apart appointed times He kept. In Part 1 there are a lot of questions to be asked to prepare us if Yahusha is following Torah, or not. And if He isn’t, then would that be considered rebellion? Notice the very interesting clues that John gives for this extra-ordinary record of the unbelieving Jews’ Feast of Tabernacles. It will prepare you for Part 2 and we’re quite sure you’ll want to “Come and See.” Shalom! https://studythecalendar.com/5-9-john-7-yahusha-the-jews-feast-of-tabernacles-part-1
Teaser 5.9 PART 1
John 7 context is about the Tabernacles Feast of the Jews – not the Feast of the Torah. Yahusha refused to go up to the feast with his brethren! Why? Was He not required to attend according to Torah Statutes? “Come and See” if the thought provoking questions in Part 1 will help you to ponder this chapter a little deeper. Shalom! https://studythecalendar.com/5-9-john-7-yahusha-the-jews-feast-of-tabernacles-part-1
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