6.1 Day of Atonement in a Quandry

Full Teaching In this short study on the timing of Day of Atonement, we hope that you will see what the quandary is with the sunset theory idea of day-start. Is it really true that sunset theory demands that the 9th day of the 7th month has TWO evenings? If you want to know, then […]
Ephesians 2 The Middle Wall of Partition

Ephesians 2 The Middle Wall of Partition [95] Tschoepe 20 Aug 2021 WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub
Solving a Knotty Problem in the Gospels

Solving a Knotty Problem in the Gospels WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub

3.2 Dawn DAy Sampler part 2 Part 2 of the Dawn Day Sampler – with some very interesting insights on the “Light” that begins every day of the first 5 days of Creation. Now this may not sound important just yet, but maybe it is?! Come and See – just how much information is really packed into Gen 1:5 – a very […]
3.18 Belligerent Benjamites [43 slides]

We will be examining the DAWN day story from Judges 19-21 to see what is in store for another witness & testimony for day-start Another day start witness in a very controversial story. https://youtu.be/_Ldd1hTuO_8 WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you tube channel […]
3.17 Closing Minutes of Shabbat

Do the four Gospels really say Yashusha was buried before sunset? https://youtu.be/30bpR-l1k-E WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub
3.16 Exodus 12 Passover Patterns Prevail

It’s time to get back to the Dawn Day studies, this week from Exodus 12 and the Passover in Egypt, by Kim, team teaching with Charlene. This is a very important study that links to Gen 15s 400/430 timeline and also is part of the covenant. Do you really know just “WHEN” the Egyptians were […]
3.15 Laban’s Blindness of Gen 31

3.15 Laban’s Blindness of Gen 31 [51 slides] A shorts Study that gives witness to Dawn Day Start. https://youtu.be/pfi8oNRkqLs WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub
3.5 Yahusha – what year did His life begin? … What year was it when He was 12 at His first Passover?

3.5 Yahusha – what year did His life begin? … What year was it when He was 12 at His first Passover? https://youtu.be/8TV82OLBjG4 WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub
3.4 Myriads of Ravaging Locusts – Part 2

3.4 Myriads of Ravaging Locusts – Part 2 3.4 Myriads of Ravaging Locusts – Part 2 Will the words “this night” and “that night” really be that important in this day-start study? Did Moses actually write this testimony according to the guidelines of Covenant Calendar from Creation week? Locust’s were used in the 8th plague […]
1.33 A 6 th Cycle Cruci-fiction?

1.33 A 6 th Cycle Cruci-fiction? The 6th Cycle Crucifiction makes it clear that the “Friday” Crucifixion is a lie.
3.3 Bible Hermeneutics EGYPT’S LOCUST PLAGUE OF EXODUS 10 – PART 1

3.3 Bible Hermeneutics – Egypt’s Locust Plague of Exodus 10 – Part 1 This week we will begin the groundwork for the Exodus 10 Locust Plague study that has been prepared But, this study will start out a bit different, as she demonstrates in a most fascinating way Biblical Hermeneutics (or rules) that are helpful […]
3.2a 12 or 24 Hour Sabbath?” by Shiloh Belgar

3.2a 12 or 24 Hour Sabbath?” by Shiloh Belgar A study on whether the Sabbath is only the 12 hrs of Daylight or a Full Day and Night Cycle https://youtu.be/WgpyfArJe8w WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification […]

3.2 Dawn DAy Sampler part 2 Part 2 of the Dawn Day Sampler – with some very interesting insights on the “Light” that begins every day of the first 5 days of Creation. Now this may not sound important just yet, but maybe it is?! Come and See – just how much information is really packed into Gen 1:5 – a very […]

3.1 Day Start – Dawn Day DAWN day that will be set out in an easy format, This just may be the study tool that many can use as they seek for new ways to share. While we have always said the last work for all of Covenant Calendar has to be found in the life, […]
Calendar 101

What is Covenant Calendar? Introduction This is such an important question, one that is being asked more and more as many Feast-keepers are realizing they really don’t know how to find “their festal calendar” in the Scriptures like they thought they could. Many are not willing to just follow someone else’s calendar because “it sounds […]
3.0 2021 Calendar Workshop

Yah’s Covenant Calendar Workshop 2021 Learn how to count and mark up a blank Roman calendar with the correct year beginning day and month counts and Feast Dates. Helpful links https://studythecalendar.com/the-bread-of-the-last-supper-pt-1 https://studythecalendar.com/the-date-of-the-last-supper-pt-2 https://studythecalendar.com/intro-exodus-12-passover-to-exodus-20-pentecost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK_uVdT8-O4 https://timeanddate.com/time/aboututc.html https://calendarlabs.com/customize/excel-calendar/monthly-calendar-12 Printable Calendar template WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit […]
2.23 Exodus 12 Unleavened Bread Consumption Schedule

2.23 Exodus 12:18 Unleavened Bread Consumption Schedule [66] Exodus 12:18 is the command to eat unleaven bread for 7 DAYS OR 8 DAYS ? There’s only one way to celebrate Passover & the Feast of Unleavened and it begins with DAY START! See why evening start does not work.. https://youtu.be/5nmOGky0fWw Please subscribe to our you […]
2.17 Joshua & Wave Sheaf Part 2

2.17 Joshua & Wave Sheaf Pt 2 [85] CF REAL PROOF – Biblical & historical evidence shows that a Wave Sheaf/First Fruit Offering married to the calendar date of Abib 16 is not our Creator’s calendar. Scripture shows that Passover and the weekly 7th day Sabbath shared the same day that year AND both the […]
2.16 Joshua & Wave Sheaf Part 1

2.16 Joshua & Wave Sheaf Pt 1 [63] Note: This study is a revision of the first study on Joshua in 2018. Both studies have ample evidence from Joshua on: Three(3) interesting patterns for “counting to 3.” Comparisons between Joshua and [a popular] Enoch calendar count for placement of Passover and Wave Sheaf Festivals. Comparisons […]
2.13 Blueprint for the Bride

2.13 Blueprint for the Bride [36] https://youtu.be/4gMeHo1HNCs Song of Songs Part 1 https://youtu.be/axuVS5f6_Ak Song of Songs Part 2 https://youtu.be/Il9sHurp_H4
2.12 Lot’s Daughters & Jonahs Worm

2.12 Lots Daughters & Jonahs Worm [42] This study will combine two testimonies for another look at Creation’s Day-start according to Lot’s daughters in the Torah, AND Jonah’s experience with Nineveh and an interesting worm. The story of Lot takes place about 1900 BC, with Jonah’s experience around 860 BC. We will examine if […]
2.11 Between the Evenings Deut 16 & Gospels

2.11 Between the Evenings Deut 16 & Gospels [70]
2.10 Between the Evenings Leviticus 6

2.10 Between the Evenings Lev 6 [51] The verse says; It is the glory of Alohim to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. ~ Proverbs 25:2 Our search this week continues as we dive into Lev 6:20 This is the offering of Aaron and of his sons, which they shall […]
2.9 Between the Evenings

2.9 Between the Evenings Grammar 101 Part 4 {97] This Teaching we will begin to unravel the secrets that are held in this “mysterious” phrase of “beyn ha arbayim” (or: “between the evenings” in English). Yes, we did break this topic open in early 2018, but now it is time to completely unravel these puzzle […]
2.7 Nehemiah Closes the Gate

2.7 Nehemiah Closes the Gate [85] There is ample evidence that Nehemiah taught “calendar” according to the Laws of Moses in Torah. For several weeks now, CCC has been working on the term “evening” – a cornerstone word for the whole calendar study. Why? Because many have been taught that Gen 1:5, Lev 23:32 and […]
2.6 Historic Day Start Quotes

2.6 Historic Day Start Quotes [85] https://youtu.be/_Y5JMv6YBkA Question you should be able to answer after doing this study What is the “Jewish Talmud” and who wrote them? Should the Talmud be used to find Yah’s “TRUTH”? What is the Halakah and who wrote it? Is the Kabbalistic interpretation something we should look to for the […]
2.5 Grammar 101 Part 2-3

2.5 Grammar 101 Pt 2 -3 [90] Part 1 laid down some Bible study skills for understanding how to use some basic study tools and grammar skills. – SKILLS for ANY TOPIC. We used these skills to examine some of the definitions in Gen 1:5 for the first day of creation, and the first definitions […]
2.4 Honour of Lepers

2.4 Honour of Lepers [56] Dawn day study will be from 2 Kings 6 & 7 about Elisha and the drastic events taking place in Samaria. Does Elisha know when the day begins? Does King Jehoram know when Yahuah’s day begins? Do the captives inside Samaria under siege know when the day begins? What about […]
2.3 Genesis 15 Yahuah’s Covenant to Abram

2.3 Gen 15 Yahuah’s Covenant to Abram [38] Even IF you already know the day begins with the first dawn twilight. . The 1st dawn day study after Gen 1 is found in Gen 15 about Yahuah and His Covenant to Abram. – Points of study & questions A covenant is an agreement with two […]
2.2 The Hebrew Evening

2.2 The Hebrew Evening [42] https://youtu.be/g72JvU32aPI Question you should be able to answer after doing this study How many units are named by Yahuah as part of the 1st cycle [24 hr day] of the week? What are the Hebrew Names of these individual units? What is the correct order of these units for the […]
2.1 Grammar 101 & Gen 1 Hebrew Study Skills Part 1

2.1 Grammar 101 & Gen 1 Hebrew Study Skills Pt 1 [75] BC CF https://youtu.be/rr439FOOfyQ Question you should be able to answer after doing this study To study Scripture properly, do we need to look to contents/context and the definitions of Hebrew meanings? Give a short explanation as to why! When does Yahuah’s day begin […]
1.15 The Crucifixion According to John

1.15 The Crucifixion According to John 1.15 The Crucifixion According to John [93] TA This teaching is about WHEN and covers “when” the day begins “when” Messiah died & “when” was He resurrected from the dead… According to John “WHEN” helps us to clear up many Calendar debates! CCC invites you to study for yourself. […]
1.10 Review & New Q&A

1.10 Review & New Q&A, 1.10 Review & New Question and Answers
1.7 Creation Week Pt 2

1.7 Creation Week Pt 2 Question you should be able to answer after doing this study What is the sequential order of Gen 1:1-5? Is Yahuah a Creator that does things with confusion? Is He the Creator of perfection, or imperfection? The Gap Theory of 1000 years – where is it found in Scripture? Are […]
1.6 Creation Day 1 Part 1

1.6 Creation Day 1 Part 1 [80] Question you should be able to answer after doing this study 1.6 Creation Day 1 Part 1 [80] In John 1:1-3 … we find “the Word” and all came to be through “Him.” Who is “Him”? What was created in the beginning on day one? Give the definition […]
1.5 Exodus 12 Unleavened Bread Consumption Schedule

1.5 Exodus 12 Unleavened Bread Consumption Schedule [55] 1.5 Exodus 12 Unleavened Bread Consumption Schedule

1.4b Grammar 101 & Hebrew Study Skills Pt 2 1.4b Grammar 101 & Hebrew Study Skills Pt 2 [76] When was the exact time of the Messiah’s crucifixion? What time was our Messiah’s death? Exactly? This teaching addresses the word for “evening” in the Greek New Testament showing us a clear picture of the Miracle […]
1.4 Grammar 101 & Gen 1 Hebrew Study Pt 1

1.4 Grammar 101 & Gen 1 Hebrew Study Pt 1 [70] 1.4 Grammar 101 & Gen 1 Hebrew Study Pt 1 [70]
1.3 Between The Evenings Exodus 12 Beyn Ha Arbayim

1.3 BETWEEN THE EVENINGS Exodus 12 Beyn Ha Arbayim 1.3 Between the evenings Exodus 12 Beyn Ha Arbayim [50]
1.2 Genesis 1 The Hebrew Evening

1.2 Genesis 1 The Hebrew Evening [34] 1.2 Genesis 1 The Hebrew Evening [34]