4.7 Dangerous Deception of the 99 Day Omer Count
Some Questions for this study:
- Can the 99 day Omer count be verified through the Torah events of the Exo 12 Passover – Exo 16 Manna Week – Exo 20 Giving of the Law and then to Exo 32 when Moses returns from the top of Mt Sinai with the Stone Tablets? Is this an “OMER” count, or another type of count? What great event happened on that 99th day?
- The 99 day Omer count is gaining popularity due to secular historical documents of Jewish historians. Why should these historians not be trusted?
- What is one of the main reasons that makes the 99 day Omer Count seem so attractive?
- What is the problem with the letter “s” on the word “days” in Lev 23:16? How does that letter have any connection to “counting” the Omer?
- Will the 99 day Omer count teaching align with Paul’s testimony in Act 20-24 as he journeys to Jerusalem to be there in time for Pentecost? After you check out the distance from Philippi to Jerusalem (mostly by ship), did this voyage need more than 50 days to complete?
If you need help, see the study titled: Paul’s Pentecost Appointment at Jerusalem and the Battle of the Calendars at: https://studythecalendar.com/
6. Will the most important testimony of our Messiah in the Gospels verify a 99 day Omer count for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Ruach) on that great day of Pentecost
(Acts 2)
7. Are you willing to align every detail of this 99 day Omer count with the Torah instructions – the foundation of all Covenant Calendar timing and events?
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