Yahuah's Cloud & the Lunar Sabbath - Num 10
Did you know that the Scriptures give every needed detail to know for sure if the Pillar of Cloud in Numbers 10 actually commanded the observance of a lunar based Shabbat? If not, “Come and See”! Shalom!
With so many different festal calendars out there, there are many today that believe a “specific moon phase” (be it conjunction, sliver or full moon), is the phase that determines every weekly Shabbat. This results in the weekly Shabbat landing on any cycle of the week and every month the Shabbat is on a surprisingly new day of the week. And, yes, occasionally it will be found on the (Sat) Sabbath. These Sabbaths are locked to the 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th days of the lunar phase every single month.
Will the Pillar of Cloud in Numbers 10 have something to say about that? And will the Pillar of Cloud really command Moses and the children in the wilderness to actually travel on Yahuah’s weekly Shabbat? This teaching from Covenant Calendar has some interesting information – just “Come and See”! Shalom!