with Tim and Charlene & the CCC members

Feast Keeping 101

FEAST KEEPING 101  ​Playlist on Youtube

Feast and Festivals
How to Keep the Feasts- Passover

A quick presentation with examples of how to keep passover as well as some recipes for unleavened bread 

Feast Keeping 101 - Part 1 of 3

A three-part study covering the basics of keeping the Feast and Festivals of YAHUAH
This is a very basic, simple presentation that beginners will enjoy as they start their festival journey.
What are the Feasts and Sabbaths of YAHUAH

7th Day Sabbath — Shabbath — Weekly Event
Passover — Pesach — Not a yearly Sabbath
Unleavened Bread — Matstsoth — 1st & 7th Y- Sabbaths
First-Fruits — Wave-Sheaf — Not a yearly Sabbath
Pentecost — Shavuot [Weeks] — Yearly Sabbath
Trumpets  — Yearly Sabbath
Day of Atonement — Yom Kippur — Yearly- Sabbath
Tabernacles — Sukkot —1st Day – Yearly Sabbath
Last Great Day — Eighth Day—Yearly Sabbath
How many Yearly Sabbaths are there?  7 Yearly Sabbaths

The purpose of Part 1 of this study is to find, from
Scripture, answers to the following questions:
What exactly are the “appointed times”?
Are the “appointed times” the Jews feasts?
When (what dates) are the “appointed times”?
How do we calculate the timing for the “appointed times”?
Is there a difference between “appointed times” and “observation themes”?

Feast Keeping 101 - Part 2 of 3

Second episode of the three-part study covering the basics of keeping the Feast and Festivals of YAHUAH

This is a very basic, simple presentation that beginners will enjoy as they start their festival journey.

Q: Is Yahusha’s Sign and Covenant only attached to the 7th Day Sabbath?

A: All of the Feast days were, and still are, a part of the Everlasting Covenant ratified by Mosheh at Sinai.

Q: For how many Generations was Yahuah’s Sign and Covenant to remain valid?

A: “He has remembered His covenant forever, The Word He commanded, for a thousand generations.” Ps 105:8

The Purpose of  Part 2 is to answer the following questions:

What was “nailed to the tree” – the Ordinances, Oblations, Offerings, Sacrifices, Ceremonial Law, Mosaic Law or all of the above?
How many feasts were “fulfilled” at the cross?
Is it safe to use Yahusha as our example?
Is Yahusha’s Sign and Everlasting Covenant only attached to the 7th Day Sabbath?
For how many Generations was Yahuah’s Sign and Everlasting Covenant to remain valid?

Feast Keeping 101 - Part 3 of 3

The final episode of the three-part study covering the basics of keeping the Feast and Festivals of YAHUAH

This is a very basic, simple presentation that beginners will enjoy as they start their festival journey.

It is clear, from what we have studied, that the feasts and festivals of Yahuah were not fulfilled at, or nailed to, the cross with Yahusha — and they were kept throughout Scripture times; so, the questions would be: 

Why are we not keeping them today?

When were the “changes” made?

By whom were the “changes” made?

Did Yahuah authorize the “changes”?

Does it really matter or make a difference if we choose to keep them today or not?

The Purpose of Part 3 is to answer the following questions:

Did Yahusha’s followers celebrate the “appointed times” after His resurrection?

 Who “changed” the “appointed times”?

 When were the “appointed times” changed?

 Were Yahuah’s “appointed times” replaced with other holidays?

If Yahuah’s “appointed times” were replaced, what were they replaced with?

Are we being consistent with the Scriptures if we keep the 7th Day Sabbath (the premier, flagship feast day) but do not keep the Annual Sabbaths?

Have you considered the Scripture definition for the word “Lawlessness”?

How do I know what dates to keep the feasts? Do our quick workshop

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