Welcome to Covenant Calendar – Tim and Charlene

…calendar, Torah to the tribe’s Calendar, t4, t4 calendar Jewish Calendar Start, Hebrew calendar, feast calendar, Biblical, Jewish feast, Melchizedek Torah Calendar, YHWH calendar, Yahuwah’s Melchizedek Calendar, Jewish feast calendar,…

…take time to reflect how this full and complete understanding was born – basically through the most important study of the Melchizedek Priesthood. The Priesthood study provided the platform that…
Calendar 101

…the Melchizedek Priesthood: The Covenant Calendar “Day” begins with DAWN – the first LIGHT in the morning sky, before the visible sunrise. Every day is 24 hours long, including the…
From chaos to blessing under the pruning shears of Yahuah?”

…our lives, the establishment of the Melchizedek Priesthood by Yahusha Ha Mashiach and the leading of the Ruach ha Kodesh even while the pruning shears are in His hand. Some…
2.4 Honour of Lepers

…the Melchizedek Priesthood. 2.4-Honour-of-Lepers[56] 1 file(s) 10 MB Download 2.4-Honour-of-Lepers[56] 1 file(s) 14.74 MB Download Question you should be able to answer after doing this study The king had a…
5.3 Yahusha’s Crucifixion Year

…1 file(s) 3.16 MB Download COMING SOON Part 2 For more on the Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON…
…12 Hebrews 10.2 Hebrews 10 Hebrews 4 -Rest Hebrews 5 Melchizedek Hebrews 7 Hebrews 8 Hebrews 9 Hebrews 11 Hebrews 13 Hebrews Jakob James 1 James 2 kal israel Yoked…
5.2 The Bread of the Last Supper

…Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button…
4.25 Yahusha’s Passover at 12 CE

…Download COMING SOON For more on the Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you…
5.1 The Date of the Last Supper

…on the Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the…
5.9 John 7 – Yahusha & the Jews Feast of Tabernacles (Part 1)

…on the Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the…
5.11 John 7 Yahusha & the Jews Feast of Tabernacles (Part 3)

…file(s) 14.86 MB Download For more on the Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our…
(5.9 – 5.12) John 7 Yahusha & the Jews Feast of Tabernacles

…[14 slides] TA 18 June 2022.pdf 1 file(s) 14.86 MB Download For more on the Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR…
5.10 John 7 Yahusha & the Jews Feast of Tabernacles Part 2

…Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button…
(5.9 – 5.13) – 5.13 John 7 Pt 5 “Are Intercalation Calendars” part of Covenant?

…7 & Yahusha’s Contempt Pt 1 [14 slides] TA 18 June 2023 1 file(s) 14.86 MB Download For more on the Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR…
(5.9 – 5.14) 5.14 John 7 Pt 6 Morgenstern & Ancient Civilizations (75)

…Contempt Pt 1 [14 slides] TA 18 June 2023 1 file(s) 14.86 MB Download For more on the Melchizedek Priesthood, please see here. WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL…