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- Create Date December 13, 2021
- Last Updated December 13, 2021
4.17b - Calculating Atonement Correctly pdf
4.17a Yom Kippur Teaser [12 slides] 11 Dec 2021.pdf
For those that have viewed the introductory video for Yom Kippur Commencement, we trust this full study will have many more answers to any questions that revolve around the proper commencement of the most solemn set-apart Shabbat of the year. As the Dawn Day commencement for the worship statutes (and every other day of the year) gains acceptance the world over, there are still questions about the definite time for Yom Kippur's commencement. Because of the last 9 words in Lev 23:32 " ... from evening to evening you shall celebrate your Sabbath" ... even some "Dawn Day Keepers" feel that Yahuah has made this "ONE sunset exception" for all His worship statutes. So what is it about verse 32 that produces this challenge? Well, it seems to be the mention of "the 9th day at even/evening." Do note there is something very important that commences at the evening of the 9th day. Is it the commencement of the 10th day, or something else? Enjoy the full study to see exactly how simple this really is and from now on you can know how to commence Yom Kippur with no lingering questions.