with Tim and Charlene & the CCC members

4.25 Yahusha’s Passover at 12 CE

4.25 Yahusha’s Passover at 12 CE Full Teaching 4.25 https://youtu.be/NVr2b7_5KCs YAHUSHA’S PASSOVER AT 12ce Introduction to this study:   Covenant Calendar is first based on Torah with additional witnesses in the rest of the Old Testament.  The full confirmation to this Covenant Calendar is found in the Gospels with very strong witnesses through Yahusha’s life from […]

4.21 – Gideon’s Fleece

4.21 Gideon’s Fleece

Gideon’s Fleece Full Teaching 4.21 https://youtu.be/utvzagMbCIs This Scripture testimony from Judges 6-7 is one that has thrilled children and adults for ages – the wonder of how Yahuah fought for Gideon through an army of 300 men instead of 32,000.  And yes, we now know this is ANOTHER testimony for Yahuah’s Covenant Calendar day-start in […]

4.19 Introduction to Secular Historical Quotes

Historic Day-start Quotes [20 slides]

Introduction to Secular Historical Quotes Full Teaching 4.19 https://youtu.be/3fNYhGV9tiQ After 4 years of teaching many studies around the blood-ratified Covenant Calendar of Yahuah, and also after presenting many studies of Torah’s day-start in the morning, it is now time to “look and see” if there is any secular historical content that aligns with Torah rather […]

4.18 Killer Bees or Honey Bees


Killer Bees or Honey Bees Welcome to another study on Yahuah’s Dawn Day He certainly has enough studies in the Old Testament to make sure we understand exactly what the Torah teaches – almost 400 years after Moses wrote out the Torah instructions.  So, there is no way to make any mistakes about this issue, we […]

4.17 Calculating Atonement Correctly

4.17 Calculating Atonement Correctly For those that have viewed the introductory video for Yom Kippur Commencement, we trust this full study will have many more answers to any questions that revolve around the proper commencement of the most solemn set-apart Shabbat of the year.  As the Dawn Day commencement for the worship statutes (and every […]

4.15 2022 CC workshop

4.15 2022 Covenant Calendar Workshop Well, it is time once again to count Covenant Calendar and be ready for 2022.  Yahuah’s Covenant Calendar is simply “counting” – no need to follow complicated confusion as many have been taught – no need to watch for any phase of the moon to find the correct month.  Come […]

4.14 King Josiah Reinstates the Passover

4.14 King Josiah Reinstates the Passover

4.14b King Josiah Reinstates the Passover In this study – which many believed is just a simple dawn day commencement study – King Josiah’s testimony has some surprises for everyone.  Yes, in more ways than one King Josiah confirms (about 800 years after Moses died) that the day start is at “break of dawn [boqer]” […]

4.14a King Josiah Teaser Study

4.14a King Josiah Teaser Study This is a study coming soon from Covenant Calendar Club to help further your understanding about Yahuah’s extremely important commencement of every day – the dawn commencement, not the sunset commencement.  But there is more … Did you know that these 41,400 Passover sacrifices were not all offered on the Light […]

4.13 Trumpet Truth

4.13 Trumpet truth Trumpet Truth by Tim Trumpet Truth is going to be a very interesting and short study on a topic that maybe you have never thought about too much. We know that in the feast-keeping world, many have in their possessions a shofar to sound. These shofars are usually from the bovine family […]

4.12 Num 9 – 2 Months 2 Passover Feasts

passover 2nd month

4.12 Num 9 – 2 Months 2 Passover Feasts Numbers 9 is the chapter that gives the instructions of what the requirements are if one misses the 1st Passover.   The individual can still celebrate Passover on the 14th day of the 2nd month  they missed the 1st Passover (1) due to being in contact with a […]

4.11 Yahusha’s Crucifixion Year – Part 2

4.11a Yahusha’s Crucifixion Year Mini Version Pt 2 Everyone, here is the mini version video presentation for Part 2 of the Calendar Crunch when it comes to the proper timing of the crucifixion events of our Messiah. (The last study [Part 1 & related mini versions] was removing the Rubble of Tradition – do check […]

4.10 Yahusha’s Crucifixion Year – Part 1

4.10a SMall Teaching just under 30mins 4.10a Mini – Yahusha’s Crucifixion Year – Part 1 4.10a Teaser – Yahusha’s Crucifixion Year – Part 1 In just under 30 minutes, treat yourself to some thought-provoking information – and see if you know the answers to questions that stem from the calendar study in the Gospels. Absolutely […]

4.9a Yahusha – Lost? and Discovered at Passover

4.9a Yahusha – Lost? and DISCOVERED at Passover Introduction to this study:   This video is a quick puzzle piece of the full study below  This is the Covenant Calendar which aligns perfectly with His ministry throughout the four Gospels.  The calendar details in the Gospels can no longer be glossed over.  It is time to […]

4.9 Yahusha – Lost? and Found at Passover

Yahusha Lost and found

4.9 Yahusha – Lost? and Found at Passover Introduction to this study:  Covenant Calendar is first based on Torah with additional witnesses in the rest of the Old Testament.  The full confirmation to this Covenant Calendar is found in the Gospels with very strong witnesses through Yahusha’s life from conception to His gift of the Ruach […]

4.8 Ruth’s Reply

4.8 Ruth’s Reply [26] LD-CF 26 June 2021 While Ruth lived in Moab before being a member of Naomi’s family, do you think she followed any kind of a special calendar for worship purposes? Would the worship calendar of Moab be the same as Yahuah’s Covenant Calendar Naomi was following? This story takes place during […]

Dangerous Deception of the 99 Day Omer Count

Dangerous Deception of the 99 Day Omer count !

4.7 Dangerous Deception of the 99 Day Omer Count  Some Questions for this study:  Can the 99 day Omer count be verified through the Torah events of the Exo 12 Passover – Exo 16 Manna Week – Exo 20 Giving of the Law and then to Exo 32 when Moses returns from the top of […]

4.6 Discovering Yahuah’s Covenant Calendar

discovering yahuahs covenant calendar

4.6 Discovering Yahuah’s Covenant Calendar Pat 1 & 2 Questions for consideration:  Those that are following a lunar based calendar, and set their festival count according to the moon, is this considered as serving and worshipping the moon according to 2 commands of Moses in Deut 4 and 17?  If the moon is not in […]

4.3, 4.4, 4.5 – Joshua’s First Observance of Wave Sheaf in Canaan

4.3 Joshua’s First Observance of Wave Sheaf in Canaan Part 1 of 3  YOUTUBE 4.4 JOSHUA’S FIRST OBSERVANCE OF WAVE SHEAF IN CANAAN Part 2 of 3 YOUTUBE 4.5 Joshua’s First Observance of Wave Sheaf in Canaan Part 3 of 3  YOUTUBE WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK […]

4.3, 4.4, 4.5 – Joshua’s First Observance of Wave Sheaf in Canaan

4.3 Joshua’s First Observance of Wave Sheaf in Canaan Part 1 of 3  YOUTUBE 4.4 JOSHUA’S FIRST OBSERVANCE OF WAVE SHEAF IN CANAAN Part 2 of 3 YOUTUBE 4.5 Joshua’s First Observance of Wave Sheaf in Canaan Part 3 of 3  YOUTUBE WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK […]

4.1 & 4.2 The Last Supper

The Last Supper Part 1 0f 2 What date was the last Supper YOUTUBE THE LAST SUPPER PART 2 0F 2 Leaven or Unleavened Bread YOUTUBE WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL JOIN COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB ON FACEBOOK Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell […]

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