with Tim and Charlene & the CCC members

6.11 Exodus 12 Passover Patterns Prevail

Full Teaching

6.11 Exo 12 Passover Patterns Prevail Feb 17/24

It’s time to revisit and enjoy another Dawn Day Study.  This week, the study from Exodus 12 and the Passover in Egypt, is given to us by Kim. It is a very important study that links to Gen 15s 400/430 timeline and also is part of the covenant. Do you really know just “WHEN” the Egyptians were plundered? Also find out at the same time that this eventful time would never work on a sunset day commencement!  Moses knew when Yahuah’s days began and he wants you to know as well.  So, “Come and See.”  (Special note:  You might enjoy Kim’s testimony, given Dec 2020.) 

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