with Tim and Charlene & the CCC members


Covenant Calendar 101
Covenant Calendar Club

3.0 2021 Calendar Workshop

Yah’s Covenant Calendar Workshop 2021  Learn how to count and mark up a blank Roman calendar with the correct year beginning day and month counts and Feast Dates. Helpful links https://studythecalendar.com/the-bread-of-the-last-supper-pt-1 https://studythecalendar.com/the-date-of-the-last-supper-pt-2 https://studythecalendar.com/intro-exodus-12-passover-to-exodus-20-pentecost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK_uVdT8-O4 https://timeanddate.com/time/aboututc.html https://calendarlabs.com/customize/excel-calendar/monthly-calendar-12 Printable Calendar template WATCH ON COVENANT CALENDAR CLUB YOUTUBE CHANNEL Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub

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Series 1 New Beginnings - 2018

Moon part 3
Debunk Other Calendars
Covenant Calendar Club

1.18 Oh the Moon Part 3

1.18 Oh the Moon Pt 3 [75] CF  Ancient word “Moonth” became the word “Month” and it means Month, not necessarily having anything to do

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Series 2 Stepping Stones -2019

Series 2, Stepping Stones 2019 -2020
Covenant Calendar Club

2.18 Shofar of Yahuah

2.18 Shofar of Yahuah [60] Lessons in YHWH’s Shofar..Could you be missing out on the Power of the Shofar. This lesson was presented by Covenant

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Series 3 Memorable Milestones - 2020

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