5.6 Daniel 9 & Midst of the Week
Teaser 5.6 https://youtu.be/W0xUnJAConYThe phrase “midst of the week” from Daniel 9:27 has a lot of different explanations. Some feel the timeframe is only on one prophetic level that calculates the 70 weeks of prophetic time to 490 years of literal time. This timeline given by Daniel was for the express purpose for the leaders in […]
5.5 Joshua’s First Wavesheaf
Teaser 5.5 https://youtu.be/6g5wN023vhIIntro Mini Presentation to Joshua’s First Wavesheaf Did you know that the calculation date and placement of the Wavesheaf festival is a very controversial topic among the many festal calendars – whether they are lunar calendars, Enoch/Zadok calendars, or any other variety. How can this be? Why is it that many different studies […]