with Tim and Charlene & the CCC members

Praise in Victory & the Richness of Yahusha!
The Leonard Family will finalize the August topic with Praise in Advance for Yahuah’s deliverance as we develop a rich relationship with Him.
Here are some things to think about for this week:
Finally, after all the fear-mongering, shaking, sifting and pruning, there is a promised VICTORY with a reward for the faithful. Do the experiences of Job – through losing everything – really have some lessons for us to relate to today?
Are we ready to walk in the shoes of Job?
Are we ready to walk in the shoes of John the Baptist?
What about being ready to walk in the shoes of Yahusha’s last 70 weeks?
Will we really be praying for Yahuah to remove the evil before us, or should we be praying to have the armour of protection to walk through the fire and not be singed.
Putting it all together: is this the time to practice our praise first?
How shall we praise Him so He can live in the lives of His people?

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