1.29 Oh the Moon Pt 10 no gods [97] CF
You will be blessed with this “Final Chapter” of The Moon! Oh the Moon Study..
- History: These are thousands of “no gods” worshipped in this world today. List the 2 main
“no gods” that contend for worship?
- From A-dam to Noah, is there any Scriptural proof /or record of the Qodesh Patriarchs, worshipping the sun or the moon?
- Where and when did this pagan Apostasy begin among Yahuah’s people – and with whom? Where did the sun and moon worship get a foothold? Was it in the Torah books or much later? Remember the Torah covers about 2550 years of history from Creation.
- When Judah opted out of allegiance to the Tequfah, another major effect happened. The worship was re-designed from whom to whom? NOTE: In Latin Re-ligion means something is undone with the Creator!! So who’s worshiping who!! ??
- Quotes for Month Commencement #s 1-12 in this teaching: These quotes are from the counterfeit Talmud, etc. and are a contamination /Abomination in their purest form!! Who is the facilitator of all these LIES!!??
- Does the Talmud and its writers align with Torah or the TaNak?
- Is the 1st day of creation in the 1st month Abib/Spring of the Festal year, or is the 1st day of Creation in the 7th month Tisri /fall of the civil year?
7(a) Is the 1st Day of Creation, also the 1st day of the 1st Month of the 1st year for this earth?
- What day are the Lights brought forth in Gen 1’s Creation week?
- 31:35 … What 2 Lights are linked to the 2 Great Lights and how does this align to Gen 1:14-16? You can only choose two.
- What Pagan Worship is all Christendom connected to today?
- What pagan worship are all “sunset-to-sunset” Sabbath Keepers connected to today?
- What pagan worship is Covenant Calendar Club connected to today? Here’s the answer:
Unequivocally: NONE!!
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1 file(s) 17.52 MB