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- Create Date July 24, 2020
- Last Updated July 27, 2020
Yahuah’s Covenant Calendar study also points everyone to the One and ONLY Light of the world, and the Lamp that Lights our Path
(John 14:6 & Ps 119:105).
How should this logo be viewed?
Let’s begin first with the definitions of a circle including; wholeness, totality, eternity, and original perfection. These terms add clarity to the circular nature of the logo. Also the circular format reflects the Hebrew mindset of the Cyclical Nature of Yahuah’s Mo-edim which function eternally every year within a yearly rotation!
Keep these points in mind while pondering the following descriptions:
1. Covenant of the Day and Night (Jer 33:20-25) – represented by the light of day and the light of the Mazzaroth to become “yom echad” – or one 24 hour cycle.
2. The Keys – represent the restoration of the essential keys of Yahuah’s Kingdom that have been lost through the ages (Luke 11:52). Primarily this indicates the Dawn start of the cycles as per many Scriptural examples, and the Tequfah/Mazzaroth based system of counting the Shaneh ({year} – Gen 1:14). However they also include way more than just the keys that unlock the calendar study.
3. The Crown of the Keys – represent His Kingdom as our goal or “target” and it is always 100% in the light and focused ON the Light; {My Burden is Light – Matt 11:30; Isa 8:20 … If they speak not according to this word, there is no light in them.} It also symbolizes the Dalet which is the door (gate) for those who guard the commandments/instructions of Yahuah that they may have the authority to pass through to enter into the City of Yahuah (Rev 22:14).
4. The Divisions of Seasons – expanding outward there are the four divisions of the seasons seen in the outer ring: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter (Gen 8:22).
5. The Length of the Year – the outer ring, also representing the Shaneh year, speaks of the completion of 360 days, one degree for each day (Gen 7 & 8). The End will be exactly as the beginning – 360 cycle days/year as Isaiah notes knowing the “End from the Beginning!” (Isa 46:9-10).
6. Colors in the Logo – each color has an interesting meaning as well (from Google search on the Biblical meanings of colors).
- Boqer/morning twilight there is completeness for each 24 hour cycle.
- Turquoise: Healing and Sanctification
- Fuchsia: right relationship
- Yellow: faith and anointing
- Day Season
- Sapphire: Grace
- Ereb/evening twilight has these meanings:
- Amber: Endurance
- Orange: Deliverance
- Blue: Heaven
- Season Quadrants
- Spring: Green – New beginning and restoration
- Summer: Gold – Righteousness
- Fall: Red – Atonement, Salvation
- Winter: White – Purity, Bride of Yahusha, Completion
- Night Season:
- White: Pure light of the Mazzaroth leading us back to boqer
- Background colors [as illustrated on the title slide]:
- Purple: Melchizedek Priesthood
- Sapphire: Commandments
These colors were chosen with the natural color selection that would be used to illustrate any colors connected to day, night, morning and evening. Every color has also been in effect by divine appointment from before the foundation of this world (Heb 1:10). And, every color is intertwined with the Father’s plan for the restoration of His children into His kingdom.