with Tim and Charlene & the CCC members

Galatians 4 and the Beggarly Elements

Galatians 4 and the Beggarly Elements

Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on  Galatians 4 and the Beggarly Elements https://youtu.be/wbXXbBrAQr4 Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub


Strong Delusion

Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on  Strong Delusionshttps://youtu.be/FfdNpFThrg0 Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub

Warum Yahuwah’s Buendniskalendar

Warum Yahuwah's Buendniskalendar

Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on  Warum Yahuwah’s Bundeskalendar Why Yahuwah’s Covenant Calendarhttps://youtu.be/p89C2CooKg0 Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub

A time to be SIlent

Feast Yom Kippur

Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on  A Time to be Silent.https://youtu.be/K49WTifA0UM Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub

Obedience – Shema

Obedience - Shema

Obedience – Shema  Listen and Obey  This lesson was put together by a beloved brother and his friends  https://youtu.be/bkgydSCp7do Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub

Why I Keep The Feast Days

Feast Yom Kippur

Walter Tschoepe our guest speaker teaching on  Why I decided to keep the Feast Dayshttps://youtu.be/ZLXqbIbiLu0 Please subscribe to our you tube channel …… Hit the like button and … …the bell notification icon www.youtube.com/covenantcalendarclub

3.21 – 3.23 Feast Keeping 101

3.19 Paul’s Pentecost Appointment at Jerusalem and the Battle of the Calendars

FEAST KEEPING 101  ​Playlist on Youtube YOUTUBE PLAYLIST 3.21 Feast Keeping 101 – Part 1 of 3 A three-part study covering the basics of keeping the Feast and Festivals of YAHUAHThis is a very basic, simple presentation that beginners will enjoy as they start their festival journey. What are the Feasts and Sabbaths of YAHUAH […]

2.23 Exodus 12 Unleavened Bread Consumption Schedule

2.23 Exodus 12:18 Unleavened Bread Consumption Schedule [66] Exodus 12:18 is the command to eat unleaven bread for 7 DAYS OR 8 DAYS ? There’s only one way to celebrate Passover & the Feast of Unleavened and it begins with DAY START! See why evening start does not work.. https://youtu.be/5nmOGky0fWw Please subscribe to our you […]

2.22 The Date of the Last Supper Part 2

2.22 The Date of the Last Supper Pt 2 [82 ]CF Last week in Part 1 of  “The Last Supper” we uncovered the mysterious question of whether or not the “bread” at the table of the Last supper was unleavened or not. This week we will be taking a closer look at another “calendar timing portion” of this Last Supper to determine exactly WHAT day this important […]

2.21 The Bread of the Last Supper Part 1

2.21 The Bread of the Last Supper [99]  “The Last Supper” we uncovered the mysterious question of whether or not the “bread” at the table of the Last supper was unleavened or not.  Ask yourself, was the Bread at the “Last Supper” Leavened, Unleavened or both? You might be surprised. Was it on the 13th or 14th of the first […]

2.17 Joshua & Wave Sheaf Part 2

2.17 Joshua & Wave Sheaf Pt 2 [85] CF REAL PROOF – Biblical & historical evidence shows that a Wave Sheaf/First Fruit Offering married to the calendar date of Abib 16 is not our Creator’s calendar. Scripture shows that Passover and the weekly 7th day Sabbath shared the same day that year AND both the […]

2.16 Joshua & Wave Sheaf Part 1

2.16 Joshua & Wave Sheaf Pt 1 [63] Note: This study is a revision of the first study on Joshua in 2018. Both studies have ample evidence from Joshua on: Three(3) interesting patterns for “counting to 3.” Comparisons between Joshua and [a popular] Enoch calendar count for placement of Passover and Wave Sheaf Festivals. Comparisons […]

2.13 Blueprint for the Bride

2.13 blueprint sept 20 #1

2.13 Blueprint for the Bride [36] https://youtu.be/4gMeHo1HNCs Song of Songs Part 1 https://youtu.be/axuVS5f6_Ak Song of Songs Part 2 https://youtu.be/Il9sHurp_H4


1.32 Calculating Atonement Correctly [61] TA Is Yom Kippur The “Day” of Atonement or the “Days” of Atonement. Is Yom Kippur really on 9th & 10th day of the 7th month? The answer may surprise you…

1.21 Yahusha’s Birth

1.21 Yahusha’s Birth [77] TA When was the birth of our Messiah? Does anyone really know. Originally titled “Yahusha’s Birth” is an in-depth investigation as to what day it was. Yet the day He died & was resurrected, is, of course, the most important days of all.

1.15 The Crucifixion According to John

1.15 The Crucifixion According to John 1.15 The Crucifixion According to John [93] TA This teaching is about WHEN and covers “when” the day begins “when” Messiah died & “when” was He resurrected from the dead… According to John “WHEN” helps us to clear up many Calendar debates! CCC invites you to study for yourself. […]

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