with Tim and Charlene & the CCC members

1.2 (Spanish) ¿Cuándo comienza el Dia? de acuerdo a la Torá? parte 2 de 2

1.2 ¿Cuándo comienza el Dia? de acuerdo a la Torá? parte 2 de 2

¿Cuándo comienza el Dia? de acuerdo a la Torá? parte 2 de 2

DAWN day that will be set out in an easy format,  This just may be the study tool that many can use as they seek for new ways to share.  While we have always said the last work for all of Covenant Calendar has to be found in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of our Messiah, this new teaching addresses several important issues around Yahusha’s Passion on His Passover day.  


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